BP Fallon “It’s Alive!” radio w/ Paul McLoone Thurs Feb 19th (TodayFM)
Two Dodgy Geezers ~ BP Fallon & Paul McLoone, Dublin Feb 2015
BP Fallon joins host Paul McLoone on the radio to co-present ‘It’s Alive’ ~ three hours of the greatest live recordings by Jimi, Dylan, Ramones, Primals, JB, Sly, the world, whoever, all on stage and in your ears on the Paul McLoone Show a week from today Thurs Feb 19th 9pm to midnight.
This live records marathon is to celebrate the release of the very vibey live album ‘BP Fallon Live In Texas’.
‘BP Fallon Live In Texas’ pre-order now on iTunes only $8.99
Mr McLoone and Mr Fallon, via their FaceBook pages BP Fallon and Paul McLoone, invite you to make suggestions. Please note ~ these suggestions may not be taken up on 🙂
When not DJing, Derry-born Paul McLoone is the singer with The Undertones. He’s been fronting them splendidly for fifteen years. Dublin-born BP Fallon doesn’t DJ much these days, just special occasions like this and at friends’ parties in NY or England ~ he sings with as many amazing people as possible.
BP Fallon & Paul McLoone “It’s Alive!” Three Hours Of The Greatest Live Recordings Live On The Radio
Love You Live x