Audio: BP Fallon & Dave Fanning on Phil Lynott 25 years RIP
BP Fallon & Phil Lynott, Malahide Castle Dublin March 1st 1983. Photography by Eve Holmes
You’ve asked to hear it again so here it is: BP Fallon & Dave Fanning talking to Katherine Thomas live on RTE Radio1 Jan 3rd 2011, discussing the life and times of their friend Phil Lynott
BP Fallon & Dave Fanning on Phil Lynott 25 years RIP
Phil Lynott August 20th 1949 – January 4th 1986. Bless you, Phil.
“I believe in Philip Lynott…” BP Fallon recites at The 25th Vibe For Philo, Dublin January 4th 2001. Photography by Ruth Medjber
With much appreciation to Smiley Bolger, Phil’s friend who has run The Vibe For Philo for the last quarter of a century. We all thank you, Smiley.
Jane Jermyn
January 18, 2011 @ 11:23 pm
I remember that night in the Top Hat so well – it was Humphrey Waitman – not sure how to spell that – on the sitar – he was with Dr Strangly Strange – they were also playing on that night – as far as I remember it was supposed to be an example of a ‘jam session’!! Happy memories XX