BP Fallon live in Dublin tomorrow plus IGNITE video now!
BP Fallon @ Science Gallery’s IGNITE
Tomorrow night BP Fallon appears in an evening of eclectic experimentation and pulse-raising performances as part of Trinity College Dublin’s Science Gallery presentation ‘Biorhythm Live: Music And The Body’.
The three-part ‘Biorhythm Live’ festival embraces ‘Rhythm’, ‘Voice’ and tomorrow evening’s presentation ‘Emotion’. Among those joining our Mr Fallon to perform and speak in what promises to be a most stimulating and spirited evening are Gavin Friday, cellist Kate Ellis, fiddle-player Caoimhin O’Raghaillaigh, Ben Knapp (SARC), music therapist Angela De Burca and TCD professor Fiona Newell. The evening will be hosted by Gerry Godley. After the discussions and performances, BP will DJ a chill set for an hour.
WHAT: ‘Biorhythm Live: Music And The Body’
WHERE: Science Gallery, Pearse Street, Dublin 2
WHEN: Thursday Sept 16th @ 7pm
Photography: Gavin Friday in Soho NYC 1996 by BP Fallon
BP Fallon performed under the Science Gallery banner at MindField at Ireland’s revered Electric Picnic festival. At Science Gallery’s IGNITE, he recited an excerpt of ‘Fame #9’ that segued into the spoken-word version of ‘I Believe In Elvis Presley’. And as he delivered his five-minute piece, in IGNITE style the slides on the screen behind him changed every twenty seconds.
IGNITE video by Matt Boyd with thanks. Huge thanks too to Conor Houghton and the Science Gallery team and of course MindField maestro Naoise Nunn.
Photography: BP Fallon @ Science Gallery’s IGNITE by lib-lb